Ben Companjen
Research Software and Data Engineer (a.k.a. Digital Scholarship Librarian) at Leiden University Libraries' Centre for Digital Scholarship
Location: Utrecht/Leiden
Companjen Ben Utrecht/Leiden Research Software and Data Engineer (a.k.a. Digital Scholarship Librarian) at Leiden University Libraries' Centre for Digital Scholarship ["English", "Dutch; Flemish"] -
Carlos Teijeiro Barjas
Supercomputing Advisor at SURF / Manager of EuroCC Netherlands
Location: Amsterdam
Teijeiro Barjas Carlos Amsterdam Supercomputing Advisor at SURF / Manager of EuroCC Netherlands ["English", "Galician", "Italian", "Portuguese", "Spanish; Castilian"] -
Emilie Kraaikamp
At DANS I am the Legal support officer and Privacy coordinator. While continuously working on ensuring GDPR compliance at DANS as an organisation, I also bring my expertise in this field to projects or other types of collaborations DANS is involved in. My current focus for training is the RDNL...
Location: The Hague
Kraaikamp Emilie The Hague At DANS I am the Legal support officer and Privacy coordinator. While continuously working on ensuring GDPR compliance at DANS as an organisation, I also bring my expertise in this field to projects or other types of collaborations DANS is involved in. My current focus for training is the RDNL course GDPR 4 data Support. ["English", "Dutch; Flemish"] -
Esther Plomp
Data Steward @TU Delft with experience on Research Data Management and Open Science trainings.
Location: Delft
Plomp Esther Delft Data Steward @TU Delft with experience on Research Data Management and Open Science trainings. ["English", "Dutch; Flemish"] -
Kim Ferguson
Research Data Management Specialist @ DANS; main tasks are project management, train-the trainers, and biology-related RDM training; RDNL coach for Essentials 4 Data Support course; trainings on disability and accessibility, such as how to make your research more accessible.
Location: Den Haag
Ferguson Kim Den Haag Research Data Management Specialist @ DANS; main tasks are project management, train-the trainers, and biology-related RDM training; RDNL coach for Essentials 4 Data Support course; trainings on disability and accessibility, such as how to make your research more accessible. ["English"] -
Kristina Hettne
At Leiden University Libraries' Centre for Digital Scholarship I support researchers in FAIR data management and Open Access. I enjoy sharing knowledge and transferring skills to colleagues.
Location: Leiden
Hettne Kristina Leiden At Leiden University Libraries' Centre for Digital Scholarship I support researchers in FAIR data management and Open Access. I enjoy sharing knowledge and transferring skills to colleagues. ["English"] -
Leila Iñigo de la Cruz
I am a Digital Skills trainer at 4TU.ResearchData. I am interested in delivering workshops centered on implementing good practices to make research outputs (data+software) reproducible. My background is in applied physics, and I have research experience in functional genomics and cellular biology.
Location: The Netherlands
Iñigo de la Cruz Leila The Netherlands I am a Digital Skills trainer at 4TU.ResearchData. I am interested in delivering workshops centered on implementing good practices to make research outputs (data+software) reproducible. My background is in applied physics, and I have research experience in functional genomics and cellular biology. -
Lieke de Boer
Carpentries Trainer and Instructor, mostly experienced teaching R and Instructor Training. Coordinator of RSTNL.
Location: Amsterdam
de Boer Lieke Amsterdam Carpentries Trainer and Instructor, mostly experienced teaching R and Instructor Training. Coordinator of RSTNL. -
Maaike Verburg
Research Data Management Specialist @ DANS. Main areas of focus are train-the-trainer, RDM, FAIR data, FAIR assessment tools, Repository certification.
Location: Den Haag | The Hague, NL
Verburg Maaike Den Haag | The Hague, NL Research Data Management Specialist @ DANS. Main areas of focus are train-the-trainer, RDM, FAIR data, FAIR assessment tools, Repository certification. ["English", "Dutch; Flemish"] -
Marjan Grootveld
Leader of the Research Data Expert Team at DANS, which includes the Training team. Focus on FAIR research output, which is actually reused (not 'only' reusable). Trainer on research data management and repository certification, nationally and internationally.
Location: The Hague
Grootveld Marjan The Hague Leader of the Research Data Expert Team at DANS, which includes the Training team. Focus on FAIR research output, which is actually reused (not 'only' reusable). Trainer on research data management and repository certification, nationally and internationally. ["English", "Dutch; Flemish"]
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