Kristina Hettne
At Leiden University Libraries' Centre for Digital Scholarship I support researchers in FAIR data management and Open Access. I enjoy sharing knowledge and transferring skills to colleagues.
Location: Leiden
Hettne Kristina Leiden At Leiden University Libraries' Centre for Digital Scholarship I support researchers in FAIR data management and Open Access. I enjoy sharing knowledge and transferring skills to colleagues. ["English"] -
Lieke de Boer
Carpentries Trainer and Instructor, mostly experienced teaching R and Instructor Training. Coordinator of RSTNL.
Location: Amsterdam
de Boer Lieke Amsterdam Carpentries Trainer and Instructor, mostly experienced teaching R and Instructor Training. Coordinator of RSTNL. -
Mateusz Kuzak
Team Lead Training Programme. Works nationally and internationally with organizations developing and delivering training and support on research software. Mateusz is a certified Carpentries Instructor Trainer. He teaches how to teach and how to develop open training materials collaboratively.
Location: Utrecht
Kuzak Mateusz Utrecht Team Lead Training Programme. Works nationally and internationally with organizations developing and delivering training and support on research software. Mateusz is a certified Carpentries Instructor Trainer. He teaches how to teach and how to develop open training materials collaboratively. ["English"] -
Meron Vermaas
Coordinator Research Software at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Carpentries instructor and trainer good software practices.
Location: Utrecht, Amsterdam
Vermaas Meron Utrecht, Amsterdam Coordinator Research Software at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Carpentries instructor and trainer good software practices. ["English", "Dutch; Flemish"] -
Stephanie van de Sandt
Open Science / RDM training coordinator at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Experienced trainer for OS practices and software management. Certified Carpentry instructor.
Location: Leiden, Amsterdam
van de Sandt Stephanie Leiden, Amsterdam Open Science / RDM training coordinator at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Experienced trainer for OS practices and software management. Certified Carpentry instructor. ["English", "German"]