Emilie Kraaikamp
At DANS I am the Legal support officer and Privacy coordinator. While continuously working on ensuring GDPR compliance at DANS as an organisation, I also bring my expertise in this field to projects or other types of collaborations DANS is involved in. My current focus for training is the RDNL...
Location: The Hague
Kraaikamp Emilie The Hague At DANS I am the Legal support officer and Privacy coordinator. While continuously working on ensuring GDPR compliance at DANS as an organisation, I also bring my expertise in this field to projects or other types of collaborations DANS is involved in. My current focus for training is the RDNL course GDPR 4 data Support. ["English", "Dutch; Flemish"] -
Esther Plomp
Data Steward @TU Delft with experience on Research Data Management and Open Science trainings.
Location: Delft
Plomp Esther Delft Data Steward @TU Delft with experience on Research Data Management and Open Science trainings. ["English", "Dutch; Flemish"] -
Leila Iñigo de la Cruz
I am a Digital Skills trainer at 4TU.ResearchData. I am interested in delivering workshops centered on implementing good practices to make research outputs (data+software) reproducible. My background is in applied physics, and I have research experience in functional genomics and cellular biology.
Location: The Netherlands
Iñigo de la Cruz Leila The Netherlands I am a Digital Skills trainer at 4TU.ResearchData. I am interested in delivering workshops centered on implementing good practices to make research outputs (data+software) reproducible. My background is in applied physics, and I have research experience in functional genomics and cellular biology.