Date: 21 - 22 April 2023

Timezone: Amsterdam

A virtual conference in honor of Michael Katehakis’ 70th birthday and Isaac Sonin’s 80th birthday, distinguished researchers and professors in the field of Applied Probability and Data Science, will be held via Zoom on April 21-22, 2023.


The theme of the conference is "Current Directions in Applied Probability & Data Science”. The conference is sponsored by Leiden University, and the program committee is: Odysseas Kanavetas (chair, Leiden University), Eugene Feinberg (Stony Brook University), Sheldon Ross (University of Southern California) and Floske Spieksma (Leiden  University).

Conference program


Confirmed speakers

| Farid | Alizadeh | Rutgers University |
| Katsunori | Ano | Office K.A Co.Ltd. |
| Konstantin | Avrachenkov | INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France |
| Dimitri | Bertsekas | Arizona State University |
| Endre | Boros | Rutgers University |
| Apostolos | Burnetas | National and Kapodistrian University |
| Javier | Cabrera | Rutgers University |
| Ray | Cao | University of Houston Downtown |
| Victor | de la Pena | Department of Statistics. Columbia University |
| Yajie | Duan | Rutgers University |
| Eugene | Feinberg | Stony Brook University |
| Jerzy | Filar | The University of Queensland |
| Debopriya | Ghosh | Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical |
| Peter | Glynn | Stanford University |
| Jiaqiao | Hu | Stony Brook University |
| Xinxin | Hu | University of Houston Downtown |
| John | Ioannidis | Stanford University |
| Saul | Jacka | University of Warwick |
| Peter | Jacko | Berry Consultants and Lancaster University |
| Stella | Kapodistria | Eindhoven University of Technology |
| Panagiotis | Karras | Aarhus University |
| Pavlo | Kasyanov | Institute for Applied System Analysis, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” |
| Tze | Lai | Stanford University |
| Benjamin | Melamed | Rutgers University, Rutgers Business School, Department of Supply Chain Management |
| Dimitris | Metaxas | Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science |
| Karti | Puranam | Rutgers University |
| Rhonda | Righter | UC Berkeley, IEOR |
| Sheldon  | Ross | University of Southern California |
| Andrzej | Ruszczynski | Rutgers University |
| Davit | Sargsyan | Rutgers University, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical |
| Sergei | Schreider | Rutgers Business School |
| Jim (Junmin) | Shi | New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) |
| Matthew | Sobel | Case Western Reserve University |
| Krzysztof  | Szajowski | Wroclaw University of Science and Technology |
| Csaba | Szepesvari | University of Alberta |
| Sadegh | Talebi | Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen |
| Chris | Tsokos | University of South Florida |
| Jaideep | Vaidya | Rutgers University |
| Benjamin | Van Roy | Stanford University |
| Richard | Weber | University of Cambridge |
| Jian | Yang | Rutgers University |
| Yao | Zhao | Rutgers University |
| Steve Bin  | Zhou | University of Houston Downtown |


Moreover, we seek submissions for two special volumes in Annals of Operations Research. The deadline for submission is December 31, 2023.

Call for papers in a Special volume, in honor of Michael N. Katehakis

Call for papers in a Special volume, in honor of Isaac Sonin 

The registration deadline is April 20, 2023. You will receive the Zoom link by email.

Registration is free, but mandatory (due to communication of Zoom link).

Registration form

Venue: Online in Zoom

Activity log