Date: 31 October 2023 @ 16:00 - 18:00

Timezone: Amsterdam

Join us at the Art Science Gallery for an exciting conversation about knowledge creation in Art and Science. Everyone interested is welcome to the gallery; students, researchers, teachers and support, art and science enthusiasts from outside the VU - we look forward to seeing you all in our cozy gallery space at 16:00 on 31 October!

Topic: Authorship and Collaboration

Both in art and science valorization is based on individual authorship – it is how subsidies are granted and hierarchies are structured. What happens with authorship when processes of collaboration increase? In the ART SCIENCE dialogue Authorship and Collaboration we look at collaborative practices in art and science.

The artist collective Sunflower Soup believes in shared authorship. In their work they explore the extent to which radical collaboration is applicable in the visual arts to understand what art can mean beyond the confines of the individual.

The CaRe & DaReproject has developed a novel decentralized procedure for the reuse of qualitative case study data, which maintains sovereignty over data, and makes data FAIR without open sharing. Hans Berends, Professor of Innovation and Organization at School of Business and Economics, and Eric Haynes, PhD Candidate at KIN Center for Digital Innovation will speak about collaboration on behalf of the project.

The methods of Sunflower Soup and CaRe & DaRe in their own way make co-creation and collective action of larger groups possible. Could we create systems of valorization beyond the individual that stimulate collaboration?

The ART SCIENCE dialogues and related exhibition Creating the Commons are organised in collaboration with VU Open Science Programme, Open Science Community Amsterdam (OSCA), Network Institute, LI-MA and Sanneke Huisman.




Venue: Not defined yet (Details will be sent to you)

City: Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

Organizer: Lena Karvovskaya

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