Date: 2 November 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:30

Timezone: Amsterdam

For the 4th time in a row, the Research Data Horror Week will take place around Halloween🎃. This week is all about how working with data, software, ethics etc. can go wrong… and how we can all  learn from our own and each other’s mishaps and maybe laugh.

For the past three years, there were digital Escape Rooms where you had to face Ghosts, Aliens👽 and cursed cats 🙀 to make it out alive (and with your paper published). This time we decided to go full in person so we can together face the all-too-common horrors in research.  

For this we decided on a totally new format. What exactly we have in store for you is still somewhat a secret… But the image is a little clue for you. Can you guess what it is?

PS: If you want to warm up for the Data Horror week, you can replay the previous Escape Rooms linked in this blogpost on Making Research Data Management fun..

What to expect?

This event will take place at the library, but we don't need to be scielent. We will play a board game. Depending on the number of participants, we might be divided in teams. There will be snacks and drinks. We will prepare specisl prizes for a few "lucky" winners!


Who should attend?

The game is intended for everyone interested in the topic of Open Science: students, researchers, research support staff. It is meant as a fun event where you get some insights about Open Science practice. No specific knowledge of Open Science is required, you can have fun no matter how confident you feel about the topic. You don't need to be affiliated with the VU to attend.



Keywords: Research Support > Data Management, Master, Researchers, PhD, Library Staff

Venue: University Library

City: Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

Organizer: Lena Karvovskaya

Activity log