Date: 10 - 11 March 2025

Timezone: Amsterdam

Language of instruction: English

The Chemistry Development is a Java library for chemistry and handle chemical structures. The first code dates from 1997 and the project was one of the first Open Science projects. This User Group Meeting is organized by the NWO-funded The Chemistry Development Kit in 2024: improving cheminformatics research grant (see doi:10.3897/rio.10.e124884) and hosted by Egon Willighagen, Rene van der Ploeg, and Marc Teunis. The meeting will consists of one day with talks, discussion, and planning. The other day will be workshop and hackathon like.

Keywords: Cheminformatics

City: Maastricht

Country: Netherlands

Host institutions: Maastricht University

Event types:

  • Meetings and conferences

Sponsors: NWO

External resources:

Activity log