Date: 7 December 2023 @ 13:30 - 15:30

Timezone: Amsterdam

Live end of year meeting including drinks

In this Connect& Meet session, Peter Verhaar from Leiden University Libraries’ Centre for Digital Scholarship will tell us more about the opportunities that he sees for the use of artificial intelligence in datamanagement.

A helpful assistant? Applications and limitations of generative AI in RDM

Generative AI has the potential to transform academic practices in a variety of ways. It can enhance tasks and automate tasks such as data cleaning, data analysis and writing. By the same token, systems such as chatGPT or Google Bard may have far-reaching consequences for research data management and the activities and services surrounding it. Large Language Models can be used, among many other things, to summarise data management policies, funder requirements or research papers. They can similarly be used in tasks which may help researchers to improve the quality of their data, such as named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and subject classification. This talk examines a number of such applications, but also discusses caveats and limitations. 

Afterwards we are serving some refreshments to realise our long term wish to catch up with eachother once more in person.

Please contact [email protected] if you are not a member of the Research Data Management Community and would like to attend.

About Connect & events

This event is part of the “Connect and …” series of meetings arranged by, and for, the Leiden University Research Data Management Community. The meetings take around the middle of the month, every month, at different days and times, so as to maximize access according to people’s different working hours. Topics and speakers are proposed by members of the Community.

You can post a suggestion in the Community's MSTeams space, or write to [email protected], if you have a topic you'd like to discuss in a future meeting and the CDS team will help to make it happen.

If you’re interested in joining us, please fill out the registration form.

Venue: PLNT

City: Leiden

Activity log