Date: 27 June 2023 @ 20:00 - 00:00

Timezone: Amsterdam

Algorithms play an increasingly important role in our daily life but come with serious societal risks. In recent years we have seen many cases of algorithms that show unfair biased behavior towards particular groups or individuals, for instance the Dutch Toeslagenaffaire. This leads to growing concerns about harmful discrimination and reproduction of structural inequalities once these technologies become institutionalized in society. During this evening on algorithmic injustice we explore and discuss both the philosophical and technical aspects as well as the lived experiences of people who suffered from unfair algorithms. The event is organised by Dr. Marjolein Lanzing and Dr. Katrin Schulz as part of their project The politics of bias in AI: challenging the technocentric approach. The project is funded by the RPA Human(e) AI of the University of Amsterdam.

Keywords: Research, Data Science Centre, Social and Behavioural Data Science Centre, Library, Research

City: Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

Target audience: Research, Research

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