Date: 14 October 2024 @ 09:30 - 14:30

Timezone: Amsterdam

Would you like to improve your research process by learning how to program with R and how to be in control of multiple versions of your work, but never had the opportunity to actually learn programming in a structured way? 

The VU and UvA are organizing a Software Carpentry workshop that will help programming novices to gain fundamental software skills. The Software Carpentry workshop is a 4-half-day, hands-on training that will cover task automation via Shell, version control with Git, and basic programming and data visualization with R - everything you need to start your research programming career!

The Software Carpentry course is a multi-day event consisting of 4 half-days:

  • 14.10. (9:30 - 14:30 CEST)
  • 15.10. (9:30 - 14:30 CEST)
  • 16.10. (9:30 - 14:30 CEST)
  • 17.10. (9:30 - 14:30 CEST)

The workshop will be organized at a location at the UvA at Roeterseiland building V.

Keywords: Information skills > Data, Master, Researchers, Staff, Bachelor, PhD, Post-docs

City: Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

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