Date: 4 April 2024 @ 13:00 - 16:00

Timezone: Amsterdam

Date: 4 April 2023, 13.00 - 16.00 Location: Holland Heart House (HHH), UtrechtMax capacity: 40 personsTarget audience: People involved in building capacity for data stewardship in Research Performing Organisations. Upon invitation only, if you are interested to participate, please contact 

Two years ago, the first extensive report on the data stewardship profession was published: ‘Professionalising data stewardship in the Netherlands. Competences, training and education -  Dutch roadmap towards national implementation of FAIR data stewardship’ [1]. Acknowledging that data stewardship is essential to fulfill national and European ambitions on Open Science and FAIR, the Dutch NPOS project F team thoroughly explored the existing data stewardship landscape, described the variety of competencies and skills that data stewards need and flagged gaps in the education and training needed for the role. Also, it drafted a first official data stewards job profile which had a great impact on the professionalisation and acknowledgement of data stewardship, not only in the Netherlands but world-wide. 

In this workshop we will look at lessons learnt from the adoption and implementation of official data stewards job profiles at different Research Performing Organisations in the Netherlands in the past two years. We will discuss how job profiles can help create attractive positions, develop career paths, design appropriate training and contribute to the recognition of data stewards. We will also discuss how to build the capacity needed to respond to new developments (and funding) for FAIR implementation and Open Science. 


13.00 - 13.20 Welcome and opening by Hans de Jonge, Quartermaster-Director Regieorgaan Open Science & Sarah Coombs, Open Science advisor for the Universities of Applied Sciences.

13.20 - 13.30 Introduction to the 2021 “Professionalising data stewardship in the Netherlands. Competences, training and education” report, its recommendations, and the Data stewards job profile;  Mijke Jetten, Health-RI

13.30 - 14.15 Use cases on data stewards job profile implementation

Radboudumc, Peter-Bram ‘t Hoen

Saxion UoAS, Renate Mattiszik 

TU Delft, Yan Wang

14.15 - 14.30 Introduction to the international landscape

EOSC Task Force on Data Stewardship; Celia van Gelder, TDCC LSH / Health-RI

RDA Professionalising Data Stewards Interest Group; Yan Wang, TU Delft

14.30 - 14.50 Coffee / tea break

14.50- 15.40 Break out discussions, topics:

How to successfully implement the data stewards job profile and recruit data stewards?

How to organise national training and collaborate to increase capacity? 

15.40 - 16.00 Central wrap-up and future actions

Organising committee: 

Celia van Gelder, TDCC LSH / Health-RI

Peter-Bram ‘t Hoen, Radboudumc

Renate Mattiszik, Saxion / DCC PO

Annemie Mordant, Maastricht University / MUMC+

Fieke Schoots, TDCC LSH /  Health-RI

Yan Wang, TU Delft

[1] Mijke Jetten, Marjan Grootveld, Annemie Mordant, Mascha Jansen, Margreet Bloemers, Margriet Miedema, & Celia W.G. van Gelder. (2021). Professionalising data stewardship in the Netherlands. Competences, training and education. Dutch roadmap towards national implementation of FAIR data stewardship (1.1). Zenodo.

Venue: Online

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