Workshop EndNote. Basic level. In person
Date: 26 October 2023 @ 12:00 - 14:00
Timezone: Amsterdam
Create your first citations and set-up your database
This workshop provides you with the tools and knowledge you need to get started with the reference software EndNote. After the two-hour tutorial you’ll be able to use the software in your research and seamlessly create bibliographies and easily cite your sources.
If you’re unfamiliar with reference software and prefer a slow step-by-step approach, consider attending the light versionof this workshop instead. Experienced users can attend the advanced workshop for more in-depth tricks & tools.
You’ll learn to:
• create a personal bibliographic reference database;
• import literature references from Google Scholar, LibSearch, Web of Science/Scopus and subject-specific databases;
• link full-text articles to your literature references;
• deal with duplicate records;
• use references in your paper.
Workshop requirements
To take part in this workshop, it is required to have EndNoteinstalled on your laptop.
Do the short assigment preceding the workshop: (15 min.) (You need to be logged on to Google with your vu mail address & VUnetidpass)
How this workshop benefitted other students:
"This course does help a lot! You make it clear and easy for me to understand"
Keywords: Information skills > EndNote
Venue: HG-1A-01B
City: Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands
Activity log