Date: 1 March 2025 @ 13:00 - 16:00

Timezone: Amsterdam

Aim of this workshop is to find out if there is a common interest to start a project (to be financed under the TDCC NES program) on developing FAIR guidelines for physical objects (how to make physical objects FAIR). If you are interested to participate, please e-mail:

Introduction to the challenge of making Physical Objects FAIR? 

ISRIC Soil Museum Collection presentation - Stephan Mantel (ISRIC)

Naturalis DISSco project , Wouter Adding (Naturalis)

KB collection - Simone Kortekaas (Royal Library)

RDA working group findings - Esther Plomp (TU Delft)  

13: 30:  Break and networking

Challenges for Repositories - Madeleine de Smaele and Roel Jansen (TU Delft)

Discussion Usefulness: is it useful to think about FAIR for physical objects
What kind of objects?

What should be kept

Stability of the objects (how long does it ‘live’) 

Hardware used in research 

Discussion: How to deal with Persistent identifiers
Connection between digital & physical object

Referring to samples

Discussion: What metadata standard should be used/developed
Machine actionable

Keep track of physical changes of the object


Image of Olivetti. CC BY-SA 4.0 | 2012 | Alessandro Nassiri

Venue: Online

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