Date: 19 June 2023 @ 14:30 - 15:30

Timezone: Amsterdam

Getting started with your ORCID iD!

Learn in this 1 hour workshop how to create and use your ORCID iD and record to enhance the discoverability of your research outputs.

ORCID provides researchers with a persistent unique identifier. ORCID iD prevents name ambiguity and reliably connects publications, datasets, and affiliations under a researcher’s record.

This workshop will allow you - as a researcher - to reap the benefits of ORCID. Namely by:

  • Enhancing the discoverability and visibility of your research;
  • Preventing name ambiguity problems;
  • Saving time when applying for funding and/or publishing: enter your information once, re-use often!

Workshop objectives:

At the end of this workshop you will understand:

  • The role ORCID plays in the scholarly publishing landscape;
  • How you create your ORCID iD;
  • How you efficiently add articles, datasets and other information to your ORCID record (for example from Pure, Scopus and the EUR Data Repository (EDR));
  • How you grant permissions to trusted organizations to automatically add data to your record. 

You can register for a workshop four weeks in advance.

If the date or time does not suit you, use the option to make an one-on-one appointment.


Keywords: Workshop, EUR researchers, EUR PhD's

Venue: B1.01 (University Library)

City: Rotterdam

Country: Netherlands

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