Date: 7 May 2025 @ 14:00 - 16:00

Timezone: Amsterdam

In this course you learn how you write a good Data Management Plan (DMP) for your research project. The course is aimed at PhD students at the beginning of their research project (± 1st year) from the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences (FGB) and the Faculty of Science.

The course consists of 2 online workshops and a peer review session. Please make sure that you are able to participate in all three events.


Workshop 1: 07-05-2025, 14:00-16:00

Workshop 2: 28-05-2025, 14:00-16:00

Peer review session: 04-06-2025, 13:00-23:59 (No plenary meeting, just make sure you’re able to do a peer review in this time window)

NB: this training is specifically intended for PhD students from FGB/Faculty of Science.

  • If you're doing a PhD at another faculty of the VU, please check how this training is organized in your faculty at the University Library website. If it concerns an independent training in your faculty, look for available dates in this Event Calender. If it is part of another course in your faculty or graduate school, please get in touch with your graduate school or PhD coordinator, as indicated on the University Library website.
  • If you're not doing a PhD or if you're affiliated at another instution, but are nevertheless interested in this course, please get in touch with the RDM Support Desk (

Keywords: Research Support > Data Management, PhD

City: Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

Activity log