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- PhD1
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- 4TU.ResearchData
- Workshop161
- Bachelor135
- PhD95
- Other91
- Master86
- Staff85
- EUR researchers81
- FAIR and Open data77
- EUR PhD's73
- Virtual Reality & 3D73
- Humanities64
- Nijmegen School of Management63
- Researchers63
- Research Support > Data Management58
- EUR students57
- Studium Generale56
- Library54
- Information skills > Find Literature53
- Training & Outreach49
- Presentation46
- Student45
- Information skills43
- Medical Library42
- RDM42
- Information skills > EndNote40
- Post-docs40
- Science & Technology40
- Data Science Centre39
- Social Sciences and Humanities39
- Literature search37
- Teachers36
- All faculties34
- EUR support staff33
- Law Library33
- EUR lecturers32
- Research31
- Referencing30
- Economics and Business29
- Social and Behavioural Sciences29
- Law27
- Science27
- Library of Science25
- Social and Behavioural Data Science Centre25
- UBN - Social Sciences25
- Students23
- EUR staff20
- Reference managers20
- Open Science19
- Lectures18
- Information skills > Data17
- Alumni16
- Study orientation16
- Library Staff14
- Collaborations13
- Conference/symposium11
- Medicine11
- Research Data Management11
- Archaeology10
- Dentistry10
- Education9
- Executive Staff and GDEs9
- Tools9
- Consultancy8
- Physical and Technical Sciences8
- Research Support8
- Conferences & Symposia7
- Digital Humanities6
- FAIR coffee6
- Lecture/workshop6
- Informatics Institute5
- Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies5
- Life Health and Medical Sciences5
- Life Sciences5
- Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research4
- Festivals4
- Network & busines4
- Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences4
- Text Mining4
- Van t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences4
- Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research3
- City centre3
- DataverseNL3
- External groups3
- Psychology Research Institute3
- Research Institute Child Development and Education3
- Spouses3
- Target groups3
- UvA Institute for Advanced Study3
- Alumni meetings2
- Cardiovascular Health Technology Centre2
- DCC2
- Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC)2
- Open Science Festival2
- Pre-registration workshop2
- Science Park2
- Students FGw2
- Study2
- Amsterdam Business School Research Institute1
- Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication1
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