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- Amsterdam UMC
- Data Science Centre22
- Research22
- Library21
- Social and Behavioural Data Science Centre12
- Humanities9
- Economics and Business8
- Law8
- Science8
- Social and Behavioural Sciences8
- Medicine7
- Dentistry6
- Informatics Institute4
- Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research3
- Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies3
- Staff3
- Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences3
- Van t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences3
- Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research2
- Executive Staff and GDEs2
- Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC)2
- Psychology Research Institute2
- Research Institute Child Development and Education2
- Science Park2
- UvA Institute for Advanced Study2
- Amsterdam Business School Research Institute1
- Amsterdam Humanities Hub1
- Amsterdam Research Institute for Legal Studies1
- Artificial Intelligence1
- Data Science & AI1
- Humanities Labs1
- Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics1
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