FAIR Research Data Coursebook

The coursebook link: maastrichtu-library.github.io/FAIR-research-data-coursebook/

About đź“—

Usually, training materials on FAIR principles are tedious and contain extensive theory. In this Library Carpentries-based coursebook, we aim to teach the implementation of FAIR principles differently. It has low entry-level materials and examples that the average researcher can understand and immediately apply.

Some relevant topics the coursebook aims to address are the following:

  • Get to know the importance of a “Research Digital Object”.
  • Explore the available open-source tools for interoperability to make research digital objects sustainable.
  • You will learn what “Data Terms of Use” and “Data Access Protocols” are and how to create them.
  • You will review the differences and similarities of “Data Descriptions” in different science fields to discuss what we can do (as a scientific community) to standardize these practices.
  • You will learn what “Rich Metadata” technically means on the Semantic Web and its relation to sustainable research output for future researchers.

💡 Following a bolder approach, we want to teach the implementation of FAIR principles differently. There is less focus on the theory and more emphasis on examples. Guided by 6 steps in Research Data Management

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6974103

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: Research Data Management, Research Data Reuse, Bootcamp, FAIR, FAIR Digital Objects

Status: Active

Authors: Hernandez Serrano, Pedro V (orcid: 0000-0002-4646-4666), Vivas Romero, Maria (orcid: 0000-0003-2196-6923)

Activity log