Prepare your publication package

Publication packages are mandatory for all research produced at the faculties of behavioural and social sciences in the Netherlands. But the structured way of documenting and archiving research data and materials in a publication package is arguably beneficial for all researchers. Publication packages will help you keeping access to your data and to know exactly which important steps were taken during the research, also after the project has ended. Increasingly, researchers are expected to make their research data and materials available, in such a way that it is as open as possible and as closed as necessary. Publishing (parts of the) publication package itself allows others to verify and replicate your research and re-use your materials.

In this workshop, we will dive into the different components of a publication package by looking at an example package. After completing this course, you will have created a first version of a publication package for your own research project and you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to finish the package independently.


Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: research data management, publication package, archival package, replication package, research integrity, reproducibility

Target audience: Researchers, PhD candidates

Status: Under development

Learning objectives:

After completion of this workshop, you will be able to:

- Explain the components of a publication package
- Apply best practices to document, organize, share, and archive your research data
- Produce a publication package for your own research project
- Determine which parts of the package need to be published and which parts need to be archived internally
- Find available information and support for completing a publication package

Date created: 2024-09-02

Date modified: 2025-01-10

Date published: 2025-01-10

Authors: Eduard Klapwijk, Mark Mulder

Activity log