The FAIR extension: A web browser extension to evaluate Digital Object FAIRness

The scientific community’s efforts have increased regarding evaluating the FAIRness of research Digital Objects such as publications, datasets, or research software. However, this requires a steep learning curve for the average researcher when learning the FAIR evaluation frameworks, disengaging some of them in the process.

This project aims to use technology close this gap and make this process more accessible by bringing the FAIR evaluation to the researcher’s profiles. “The FAIR extension” is an open-source, web browser extension that allows researchers to make FAIR metrics evaluations directly from scholarly aggregators such as PURE, Google Scholar, or ResearchGate without any additional knowledge. The browser extension follows the FAIR metrics group specification, building on top of the community-accepted FAIR evaluators’ APIs. 

🕶 This resource is presented at the 1st International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects which is linked to the following abstract

🧩 Install it in your browser!!  Available in the chrome store: "the FAIR extension"

🔍 For more information, please visit the the FAIR extension website


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7245869

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: FAIR assessment, FAIR Digital Objects, FAIR metrics

Status: Active

Authors: Hernández Serrano, Pedro V. (orcid: 0000-0002-4646-4666), Al-Saeedi, Ali, Emonet, Vincent (orcid: 0000-0002-1501-1082), Diblen, Faruk (orcid: 0000-0002-0989-929X)

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